Thursday, 25 September 2014

Perfect Opposites

I started working out to maintain a healthy body weight and accidentally became a bodybuilder. Not like those huge dudes who look deformed, but pound for pound, I'm stronger than many men and most women.
So what is a bodybuilder doing in yoga/hot yoga classes?
Because they're perfect opposites! Weight training movements are all about contracting - in other words, shortening the muscle, while yoga is about lengthening the muscles. 
When I weight train, I'm fierce, almost angry, even though I LOVE how I feel. I take out my anger on the iron. And talk about solitary - I put on my iPod and focus and prefer not to be bothered.
In yoga class I could not be more different. I feel calm, at peace, and connected with my classmates.
It's good to use your body in different ways. I'll always be a bodybuilder, but doing other activities helps me to be better at the one I love most!

Monday, 15 September 2014

Exercise Presciption

I've been asked to speak at a course on the topic of exercise and mental health. I can't believe I haven't touched on this yet - it's so important!
I'll admit that I started working out for vanity. But what I learned was that as much as exercise is good for your body, it's also good for the soul. 
Of course, there's the endorphin rush. But there's also the focus that brings you into the present, new neural pathways forming with new movements, and the general awareness that you're taking control and actively trying to improve. 
Exercise is as effective as medicine, or more so, in treating depression in many cases. And it's natural and free.
Sometimes when you feel bad it can be hard to even move, but if you force yourself, you'll be glad you did. And if you're already perfectly happy, a workout still won't hurt!