Monday, 17 March 2014

Party Pooper

Happy St. Patricks Day!
Now I'm going to poop on the party! If you are trying to lose weight, the very last thing you should be doing is...drinking! Sorry, but it's true. Alcohol has zero nutritional value, but does contain calories. It also turns quickly to sugar in the body. Your liver, in order to rid the body of this foreign substance, ignores all else and works overtime. This is why heavy drinkers often end up with liver problems.
And while your liver is busy cleaning out the alcohol, anything else you've ingested sits and waits. And weights, if you catch my drift. Certainly, some drinks are worse than others - a sugary, fizzy cooler is worse than, say, a Guinness, but in general, alcohol should be enjoyed in moderation.
If you must drink (as sometimes we all must) make sure to drink water as well and eat beforehand.

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