Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Hope I Die Before I Get Old

I train a diverse group of clients - men, women, and even a 12 year old girl. My oldest client is 66. This woman is the youngest senior if have ever known, and I want to be like her when I grow up! 
Some people get old long before they should. Why? Certainly there may be factors beyond their control - disease, life circumstance, or injury, but the number one reason I think people get old (and I'm not talking about age) is that they slow down.
Our society has this warped idea that past a certain age, you just don't do certain things. People let the number attached to their life limit them, and that, to me, is crazy. 
Signs on some rides at amusement parks say 'You must be this tall to ride', and sometimes they warn you not to ride if you're pregnant or have back issues. But never have I seen a sign that says 'You must be this young to ride'.
So keep moving. Keep having fun, and going on adventures and trying new things. That is truly the answer to staying young.

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