Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Sleep Hygiene

PThe other part of my talk was on sleep hygiene. Sleep is when our brains and bodies rest and repair. Adults need 6.5-8 hours a night. More is not good either, unless it's catch-up, because the lymphatic system becomes sluggish and this can increase the risk of certain cancers. 
Before sleeping: 
Get up at the same time every day.
Get outside during the day and get some exercise. Let your body know it's daytime.
Go to bed at the same time each night - and with a soothing routine beforehand, if possible. Dim the lights, listen to soft music, or read.
The bedroom should be for sex and sleep only. Keep it cool and dark.
Bright lights before bed. This includes computers, phones, TVs and actual lights. They confuse the brain into thinking it's daytime.
No drinking two hours before bed. This seems self-explanatory, but I'll also add no alcohol to this rule. It may help sleep come on but it dehydrates the body and that can wake you up.
Meditation can help if you have trouble falling asleep, and it can be as simple as counting your breath.
Sweet dreams!

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