Tuesday 22 April 2014

Hopefully No One Is Watching

I've often been asked why I don't go to the sculpting and cardio blast and other such classes at the gym where I work and the reason is this - I suck at choreography. 
And because I'm a trainer, everyone thinks I can do it all, AND they'd be watching. In yoga classes, this is not a problem - I've been practicing for years. But I occasionally take barre/ballet classes closer to home, and I'm terrible at the footwork. I'm the loser in the back row going the wrong way and almost crashing into other participants.
If I can power my way through something, then I've got it made. But dance is much different, and I cannot convince my body to do what my brain and the teacher want.
So that's my dirty little secret. I hope it serves to show that trainers aren't perfect, and maybe you get a little boost because you can do something I can't!

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